Monday, November 2, 2009

When in doubt, apply a guilt trip...

I love Jenn and Michelle. Like love, love them. They are very kind to be my followers. But it isn't as fulfilling as one would think, blogging just for them. After all, it is quite possible that they were actually there when the incident in question occurred. I know you're out there, I have like 12,000 hits to this blog.

So if you are lurking, why not follow me? I will love, love you too! (Come on, you know you want to...)

On another note, my 'blog every day in November' challenge is not going well. (I'm sure you've noticed since you are such an avid follower). And today, I'm going to be lame and refer you to a post on Scott Westerfields page that I learned about through The Spiral Path. Scott and Justine are posting writing tips...he is so my kind of writer with the planning, the spreadsheets, the graphs...

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