Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My sisters, a universal dedication for pretty much anything I write in the future...

They are probably the reason I have such a rich imaginary life. AND they want to read my books. Then when the do read them, they tell me how much they love them, and they want to read more.

Which may be sisterly affection that is biased...

But I don't care, I love them for it anyway!!

My sis, Cathy, designed me a jacket cover for a hard bound draft copy of my very first completed manuscript so we can edit it as a hard copy. It is wonderful and I love it!

It's the most wonderful time..of the year!

Back to school!

Which means hours of time to dedicate to finally finishing this manuscript. (See previous post, New Projects Loom...) I'm about 60% done with the 2nd draft and have already got a handful of edits for that 60%. Finger's crossed, I'm finished the 2nd draft end of September, finishing edits end of October! The good news, however, is that I still really love this manuscript.

That alone is an accomplishment.

And I can easily say I have advanced from Faery-lore 'novice/moron' to Faery-lore 'competent'. Which wasn't exactly on my bucket list but still...

In response to Michelle's post on The spiral Path, asking where we write, I have this to say:

50% of the time, I am here:

with 30 Rock or Arrested Development playing on the TV in the background...

The other 50% to follow...

2010 BOOKS!

...I can't believe its fall. Since the publishing industry moves so...friggin'...slow...I am going to start my list of much anticipated, much hyped SEQUELS...even though we won't get to read them for another year!

1. The Dead-Tossed Waves, Carrie Ryan (sequel to The Forest of Hands and Teeth which was brilliant!!)

2. The Demon's Covenant, Sarah Rees Brennen (Sequel to The Demon's Lexicon which was also brilliant!)

...disclaimer: I'm pretty much not going to hype a sequel if I didn't find its predecessors brilliant, I just thought I'd throw that out there...

3. City of Fallen Angels, Cassandra Clare (The City of Bones Series - This series was totally not on my radar but I loved every minute of them and am happy to have another book, even though I'm not the biggest Simon fan on the planet...I will be happy to be proven wrong!)

4. The Clockwork Angel, Cassandra Clare (A new series from her, a mortal instruments prequel - looks delishous)

5. Radiant Shadows, Melissa Marr (Wicked Lovley Series - I'm actually kinda pissed off I have to read this book. I thought I had made a commitment to a trilogy, then I got a bait and switch...BUT I have to find out what happens, I won't rest until I do.)

Michelle...did I miss any good ones??