Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I suck....and 5 other reasons why I'm gonna lose NaNoWriMo....

I know you've been missing my blog posts. You flip that power switch to your computer in the morning and can't contain the excited anticipation of checking out my blog for my latest post of inspired wisdom and wit. I've left you sorely dissappointed, I know.

Wait, that didn't come out right. You're sad because I haven't been blogging often enough to satisfy your insatiable appetite, right? Not because my blog posts are lame...in any way?

I suck, I know it, I promised 30 fun-filled days of blogging and have delivered....maybe 5? I'm honestly to lazy to scroll through the posts and count. So I'm revising my challenge as follows:

I commit to blogging, one more time in November, maybe two times. In exchange for your understanding, I promise not to drunken blog Thanksgiving night.

Reason 5 why I will lose Nano: The kids are off from school for the next 5 days and the little angels tend to suck the life blood out of me...

Reason 4 why I will lose Nano: I started distracting myself with Christmas decorations...

Reason 3 why I will lose Nano: I can't stop watching episodes of 30 rock from Netflix...

Reason 2 why I will lose Nano: Michelle has finish her NaNovel and so I'm writing alone...and clearly not self motivated...

Reason 1 why I will lose Nano: the last quarter of my plot summary is a single sentence that reads "they rescue him"...

15000 words to go by 11/30. Totally doable.


Anonymous said...

What? WHAT?!! I am SO going to bust out the whip on you!

Anonymous said...

Also--I WANT to read your Thanksgiving DrunkBlog. Please? *flutters eyelashes and hides whip behind back*