Saturday, October 31, 2009

NaNo midnight write of one...

On the eve of Nano, there are many midnight launch party/write ins around town, the invitations to which, I look at longingly . I will not be going to any of these events.

No, I will be elsewhere...

...brandishing candy...

...and a sour disposition...

It's halloween and being the mother of three kids, I will be up to my neck (the neck I wish to slit), in halloween festivities. The light at the end of the tunnel is the grown up party with many of my friends, a glass of wine and the finger-crossed hope that 2 year old Gavin will come to the party dressed as Jedi Chicken, cause that would pretty much make my night.

So have fun, Nano writers who will be otherwise occupied, getting a jump start on your word count and basking in the delight that is 'adult conversation'. There is a bird with a light saber, calling my name...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I, too, envy those who have a party to go to! I am sad! I don't even have a friend's halloween party with Jedi Chicken potential.

I might just go to bed early so I can get up early and write before my visitors arrive . . .