Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My sisters, a universal dedication for pretty much anything I write in the future...

They are probably the reason I have such a rich imaginary life. AND they want to read my books. Then when the do read them, they tell me how much they love them, and they want to read more.

Which may be sisterly affection that is biased...

But I don't care, I love them for it anyway!!

My sis, Cathy, designed me a jacket cover for a hard bound draft copy of my very first completed manuscript so we can edit it as a hard copy. It is wonderful and I love it!


Anonymous said...

Ooooh Lookit that!!!!! It's purdy.

Cathy said...

In fact, I can't wait to go to bed tonight and read more chapters of my _own_ copy of the "The Birthright". ;) I love the smell of fresh books. ;) -Cathy

Cathy said...

I finished The Birthright earlier this week and I have that sad, lost, feeling I get after finishing a good book. You're working on The Prophecy edits... right?!?!? -C